Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Public Service Announcement

First off, I want to say a big


You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for all the kind emails and comments. Things have been kind of stressful these past few weeks, and I haven't returned emails and visited blogs like I should have been.  I apologize for that.  I'll be making my rounds again starting on Monday!

Now, for my PSA...
Recently, I went in to get my thyroid levels checked.  I knew they were off, but I didn't realize how bad they really were.  My TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) level is 2-3 times the highest end of what is considered normal.  That explains soooo much.  If your thyroid is wonky, it'll mess with your weight, moods, hair texture, metabolism, and everything in between.  We're in the process of trying to figure out the right dosage again, and I can't wait to get it all figured out!  The test is fairly cheap, and I highly recommend checking into it.  I have hypothyroidism, but my dad had hyperthyroidism (he had a goiter, and it was taken care of with radiation).

I am thankful for my dad's goiter.  If he hadn't had that (or hadn't found it), I never would have thought to get my thyroid checked.  I have only been on thyroid meds for a couple of weeks, but I already feel better, even though we're just starting to find the right dosage.

You owe it to yourself (and your family) to check out the symptom lists and ask your doctor about getting the test done.  It's a simple blood draw, and you can have the results within 24 hours or so.

That's all for now, but I'll be back next week with more craftiness!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chicken, chicken BOCK! BOCK!

I'm in the process of painting my kitchen...again. One thing I can't part with are these little guys who greet us every time we walk in the door...

(You can see our's an old iron without a handle)

I wish I had the talent, and patience, to paint these by hand, but I don't. I waited till these chickens were back on sale before ordering the vinyl decals from here, then did them the same way I made my Grocery Sign.  After taping off the baseboards, I painted two coats of Glidden's Hazy Sage (much nicer color in person than in this picture) over the area where my hen & chicks will be hanging out.

Once that was good and dry, I added the hen and chickens...

and painted over them with two coats of the new wall color (Color Place's Spanish Chestnut). 

When that was dry, I carefully peeled off the vinyl decals.

The last time I did this, I couldn't figure out what color to paint the walls, so I had to redo it 3 times.  If you are very careful when pulling the decals off, you can reuse the decals 2-3 times.  (**Disclaimer: The green wall you see on the left isn't going to stay that color.  It'll also be painted the Hazy Sage color.)

Linking up here:
At Home With K

Friday, April 22, 2011


Good news, bad news. When it rains it pours. Things happen in threes...

Baby E is doing much better.

We had a nice service for Grandpa this morning, then enjoyed catching up with family this afternoon.

When I got home tonight and checked my facebook, I was horrified to read about a former school mate and his family.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Going to my happy place

I try to keep things upbeat here on my lil ole blog, but sometimes, I need to use it for therapy. This is one of those times. The last few weeks have been tough, knowing that my grandpa was going to be leaving us soon, but not knowing when, and dealing with all the emotions that come along with that kind of situation.

But, this week been hell. Grandpa passed away yesterday afternoon. His passing really was a blessing, but I have also experienced some conflicting emotions, and there is at least one family member who is causing a lot of unneeded and undeserved stress.

Tuesday morning, my sis-in-law #3 had her baby. We FINALLY have another little girl on my husband's side of the family. Out of 8 grandchildren, there are now only 2 girls - one who is only days old, and one who is 15!

We got a phone call at 5:30 Tuesday morning, telling us that blonde little Baby E was born just before 4am, and my FIL, MIL, and SIL#1 were headed to Lincoln because there are problems. Where to start...

MAS -She pooed before being born, and she inhaled some.  It went into her lungs, and they are now filling with fluid.  They found out on Tuesday evening that she had an infection, and that's what caused the meconium aspiration.  She was on antibiotics, a feeding tube, and 100% oxygen.  She's now down to 27% oxygen (the lower the percentage, the better she is).  Her lungs were filling with fluid trying to get rid of the meconium, and they say she'll be in the NICU for another 10-14 days, at least.

Ear Tag -  She has a little knobbie just outside her ear.  My older brother and Awesome both have them, and my brother's oldest daughter has one.  They usually look like this, and are only sometimes an indication that something could be wrong.  In little E's case, it might mean something, though, especially given her other problems.

Cleft Palate - Her lips are fine, but she has a cleft palate.  The doctors think she may have the bone structure, but not the tissue.

Heart - I'm really not sure what's going on here.  All I know is that they did an echocardiogram, and are waiting to hear from the cardiologist.  Side note - I find ECHOs so riveting.  Bug gets one every couple of years due to his aortic coarctation and bicuspid aortic valve, and it is so fascinating to watch.

Due to all these issues, and the fact that SIL#3's hubby had a seizure before he was even born, the doctors have asked a geneticist check out baby E.

Needless to say, it has been a very stressful week.  Tomorrow is Grandpa's funeral, we're having our Easter celebration on Saturday, and are hoping to head to Lincoln on Sunday for a few hours.  Every few hours, I just have to stop what I'm doing, close my eyes, and imagine myself and my family a month or so from now, when the grief doesn't hurt so much, and (with any luck) Baby E is home with her parents and brothers.  Going to my happy place helps keep me sane, and allows me to see happier times on the horizon.

Please keep my new niece in your prayers.  She's been recovering well in the last 24 hours, but with all the problems, we know she's still a long way from the finish line.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Beaded Tie Backs

***Edited to add:
Thank you all for the GROCERY Sign love. It became even more of a treasure this afternoon when, after a long battle, my grandpa slipped peacefully away.
"To live in hearts we leave behind, Is not to die"
from Hallowed Ground by Thomas Campbell

Goodnight, Grandpa
1923 - 2011


My mom has been looking a new set of tie backs.  She wanted beaded ones, but she didn't want to pay a lot of money.  She also has a thing for dragonflies.  So...when we were at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago, we noticed that some of the beads were on sale, so we took a peek.  This is what we came home with:

The strands were about 2" too short, so I dug through my stash and found a few silver, gold, and copper beads, along with some copper head pins that I used to attach the dragonflies.  I put them together like bracelets.  I strung the beads on wire, using crimp beads on each end, and adding lobster clasps.  So, I basically made two 9" bracelets.

Then, all I had to do was attach them to mom's curtains.

Using upholstery tacks, we put the tack through the little wire loop between the crimp bead and clasp, and stuck it in the wall.

Linking up here:

Monday, April 11, 2011


So, I've seen some really cool "GROCERY" signs around the net, and I wanted one Since I couldn't find one to buy, I decided to make my own!

(Not the best picture.  I'll upload a better picture when I get one taken.)

What you need:
Wood Board (mine is 7" tall - not including the lip on the bottom - by 58" long)
Vinyl Lettering (my letters are 6" tall)*
Spray Primer
Black Spray Paint
Ivory Spray Paint
Sand Paper
Electric Palm Sander (optional)

*I found my vinyl lettering on Etsy from this seller.  It was a custom order, so you'll have to convo her.  I was able to get my 6" tall GROCERY letters and a 9" tall version of this for $20 (that includes tax).

What you do:
Find/buy a wooden board. If you have access to some old barnwood, this works really well. My board is one that came from my grandpa's farm. I had some cracks in it, and a chunk was broken off the top right corner. There are also old nail holes at each corner that just add to the character of it!  If yours, like mine, was found in an old barn and was covered in spiderwebs and some dirt, you will first need to clean and sand it.

Next, prime the board.  I like to use a spray primer and just put a couple of light coats.

Spray a few coats of black spray paint.  You'll want to make sure the board is pretty well covered, but you don't want the paint too thick.  I sprayed about 3 light coats.

With some 150-220 grit sandpaper, give your board a quick sanding so that a little bit of the primer shows through.  If you have an electric palm sander, you should just have to run it over the board once or twice.  If you don't have an electric palm sander, I strongly recommend getting one.  I use mine for EVERYTHING!

Center and apply your vinyl lettering.  Using the ivory spray paint, cover the board & vinyl with just enough coats to cover the black paint.

Once the paint is dry, carefully peel off the vinyl, and run the sandpaper over a few areas for an old, worn look, and you're done!

Did you make one?  Share it here!

Linking up here:
Metamorphosis Monday
Get Your Craft On
Amaze Me Monday 
Motivate Me Monday
Making the World Cuter
You're So Very Creative
Terrific Under 10
Show Me What Ya Got
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Twice Owned Tuesday
Ten Buck Tuesdays
Time To Shine
Show and Tell Wednesday
Whatever Goes Wednesday
Idea Sharing Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
Your Whims Wednesday

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ruffled Lampshade

I've had this lamp FOR.EV.ER. The base used to be an odd (but pretty shade of green). I loved the green, but it clashed with my walls when they were green, so I painted it silver, and sponged some charcoal stain to make it look older.

Now, it's time to change the shade.  This is so super easy (and I was in a bit of a hurry), so I didn't take pictures of each step, but I think you'll get the idea!

All you need is:
glue gun
ruffles (I used about 4-5 yards)
lamp shade

First, you have to make your ruffles, which is also super duper easy.  Cut your strips of fabric at about 1 - 1.25 inches wide.  (A strip that is 1.5 yards long will give you about 30" of ruffle.)  On your sewing machine, set both your stitch length and tension to the HIGHEST number (or the LONGEST stitch and TIGHTEST tension setting).  Now, simple sew down the center, and the fabric will ruffle itself.

With your ruffles, start about 1/4" above the bottom of your shade, and glue your ruffle all the way around.  I lined the ends of my ruffle up with the seam that runs from the top to the bottom of my shade.  You also don't need to put a whole line of glue.  I found that just a few dots, about 3" apart worked just fine.  Then, just keep adding rows of ruffles until.the shade is covered!

I like it so much better, now!

Want to make one of these, but don't have a sewing machine to make the ruffles?  Email me!  And, don't forget about my Flickr group - I'd love to see your creations!

Linking up here:
At Home with K
House of Grace
A Diamond in the Stuff
Coastal Charm
Not just a housewife
The Little Birdie Blog 
My Girlish Whims
Blue Cricket Design
Someday Crafts
Women Who Do It All
The Thrifty Home

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hi and WELCOME to all my blog friends, old and new! I always love a good, clean, respectable party, don't you?  The ladies from 5 Minutes for Mom are such wonderful hostesses, so be sure to check them out!

Some of you know me, and some don't.  My name is Heather, and I'm a wife to a pretty great guy, Jeremy, and a mother to two ornery boys, Bug (10) and Awesome (turns 7 on Friday!).  When I'm not busy stalking my family with my camera hanging out with my family, I like to keep busy designing and creating many things we need, and even more things we don't need!  I also enjoy junking, genealogy, playing the piano, and reading, and share a bit of everything here on this blog of mine.  If you'd like to know more about me, I invite you to check out this post that I wrote almost a year ago.  I'm going to try for another 33 this year!

Feel free to browse around, and Follow me if you like what you see!  I'm also on Facebook, where I can share more of my web finds, and drop hints about upcoming giveaways.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 1, 2011


And the winner is...


Congratulations!  You'll now be prepared in case of a zombie apocolypse!
Just send me your mailing address, and I'll have your books out to you this week!