A free standing coat rack? In our house? He clearly forgot who he's living with. It would be used not only for hanging our coats and hats, but also as a toy, a weapon, and it'd be the perfect sized chew toy for Bernie (our St. Bernard, whose real name is Odin). I imagine that a few windows would be taken out, and our interior walls would have a few windows put in.
Before he could go pick out something horrendous, I got busy and made this:
First, I marked off the area where I wanted the B&B, and painted the wall in that area.
The wood was VERY hard, so I pre-drilled the holes. Since I was using finishing nails to attach the 1/2 x 2s, I drilled 3 tiny holes in each board. On the 1/2 x 4, I laid out the hooks where I wanted them, and marked the screw holes to attach the hooks to the wood. After drilling those holes, and using the hooks as a guide, I drilled a 3rd hole centered below each set of the hooks' holes.
I measured 4 feet up from the top of the baseboards, centered, and leveled the 1/2 x 4, and screwed it into place. On each end, I attached the rosettes. I know I should have used finishing nails on those, but I didn't. I was worried about being able to see the nails too well, so I used carpet tape!
I then nailed one 1/2 x 2 on each end, just under the rosettes.
With the third, I centered it under where the middle hook was going to go, and put it there. I screwed in the hooks, and I was done!
Sources, Costs, & Notes:
1/2 x 4 (3 feet long) - Menards, $3
1/2 x 2 (4 feet long) - Menards, $3 each
3-1/2 Rosettes - Menards $3 each
Hooks - Walmart, $2.27 each
Paint Color - Muslin by Color Place (Light Base, Formula: C-2, T-4, L-8)
You could easily make this cheaper. The wood I used was a higher grade and well sanded wood because they had it in the perfect size that I was looking for when doing this small project. If I had done a larger area, I would have used either MDF or lower quality 1x4s and 1x2s. Also, the only rosettes available in the size I needed were in wood. MDF versions are cheaper.