Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Board and Batten Coat Hooks

My husband informed me that he wants a coat rack by the front door.  A free standing coat rack.  I nearly laughed in his face.

A free standing coat rack?  In our house?  He clearly forgot who he's living with.  It would be used not only for hanging our coats and hats, but also as a toy, a weapon, and it'd be the perfect sized chew toy for Bernie (our St. Bernard, whose real name is Odin).  I imagine that a few windows would be taken out, and our interior walls would have a few windows put in.

Before he could go pick out something horrendous, I got busy and made this:

First, I marked off the area where I wanted the B&B, and painted the wall in that area.

The wood was VERY hard, so I pre-drilled the holes.  Since I was using finishing nails to attach the 1/2 x 2s, I drilled 3 tiny holes in each board.  On the 1/2 x 4, I laid out the hooks where I wanted them, and marked the screw holes to attach the hooks to the wood.  After drilling those holes, and using the hooks as a guide, I drilled a 3rd hole centered below each set of the hooks' holes.

I measured 4 feet up from the top of the baseboards, centered, and leveled the 1/2 x 4, and screwed it into place.  On each end, I attached the rosettes.  I know I should have used finishing nails on those, but I didn't.  I was worried about being able to see the nails too well, so I used carpet tape!

I then nailed one 1/2 x 2 on each end, just under the rosettes.

With the third, I centered it under where the middle hook was going to go, and put it there.  I screwed in the hooks, and I was done!

Sources, Costs, & Notes:
1/2 x 4 (3 feet long) - Menards, $3
1/2 x 2 (4 feet long) - Menards, $3 each
3-1/2 Rosettes - Menards $3 each
Hooks - Walmart, $2.27 each
Paint Color - Muslin by Color Place (Light Base, Formula: C-2, T-4, L-8)

You could easily make this cheaper.  The wood I used was a higher grade and well sanded wood because they had it in the perfect size that I was looking for when doing this small project.  If I had done a larger area, I would have used either MDF or lower quality 1x4s and 1x2s.  Also, the only rosettes available in the size I needed were in wood.  MDF versions are cheaper.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Grab-N-Go Cereal

We throw away sooooooo much cereal. Every single day, at least 1/2 - 1 Cup of cereal gets thrown away. It drives me nuts!  The boys tend to fill their bowls so full of cereal that there's hardly any room for milk!  My constant nagging of, "Start out with just a little - you can always get a little more" hasn't gotten through their thick skulls, so I've been tempted to just stop buying cereal all together.

This morning, Awesome asked me to explain the nutrition facts to him. As I was explaining everything, an idea came to me, and as soon as the boys were dropped off at the bus, I got busy.

I poured 1 cup of cereal into Snack Size Ziploc bags, and put them in a basket (big thanks to my grandma for her ca-ra-zay basket collection!).

Now, the boys can just grab a baggie with the right amount of cereal for their bowls, and if we all oversleep (it has happened, and more than I'd like to admit!), they can just grab a baggie on the way out the door!