Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Learning and Thanks

Today is Taylor's 1st Day of 2nd grade, my baby is growing up! He was really excited this morning, and every 5 minutes or so, I would hear, "Is it time to go, yet?" I think he was anxious to see his "Beauty Queen" as he calls her. He met a cute little girl on his first day of Kindergarten, and they've been in love since!

Yesterday, I received a package in the mail - I love the kind of mail that isn't asking for money or advertising something I don't want, but I especially love happy mail! I received my goodie from Linda for PIF (I'm still looking for participants, so if you want to sign up, check a few posts down)!

Isn't this guy cute! Thanks Linda!

Last Wednesday, my mom took the boys to the Prairie Loft Center for their Mammology class. The gentleman teaching it is a professor at Hastings College, and he also used to be my grandpa's neighbor! He brought along many stuffed rodents, from bats and mice to a skunk and muskrat! Landon landed on the front page of the local newspaper - that's the 3rd time in four months that one of the boys has gotten their picture on the front page of a newspaper!

There was a lovely gal at the class, I believe she's the only full time employee at Prairie Loft, and her name is Amy. The boys really took to her, and when we got into the car to leave Landon said, "Mom, I have a crush on Amy, and I think I love her a little." Below is a picture of Amy, Taylor, and Landon when they found a bone while we were out looking for animal tracks.


  1. So glad you got your little goody Heather. I hope he makes you smile!
    hugs, Linda

    P.S. Happy Birthday to your brother!

  2. Happy First day of School and Happy Birthday to your brother!


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