Thursday, January 29, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

I'm trying to be patient today. It's hard. My sister-in-law Jocelyn, Jeremy's younger sister, went to the hospital this morning at 6:30 to be induced. I just checked my phone and had a txt message saying that the doctor had just broken Joce's water (the message was sent at 9:30), so we should be having a baby any time, now!

The next week is going to be a long one. We had wanted to go to Lincoln this weekend, but one of my niece's birthday is Saturday, so we're going to Kearney for her party. Besides, Joce won't be home till Saturday, and her in-laws will all be around for the weekend (as well as Jeremy's mom, other two sisters, 2 nephews, and 1 niece), so we're going to give her some peace and quiet for a few days before we head up.

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