Even if you don't have a scout, you can still buy the books.
Cub/Boy Scouts:
Tiger Cubs - 1st grade
Wolf Cubs - 2nd grade
Bear Cubs - 3rd grade
Webelos - 4th & 5th grades
Boy Scouts - 6th grade and up
Venturing - ages 14 to 21 (Venturing is geared toward both boys and girls)
Official online store here or find your local supplier here.
Girl Scouts:
Daisies - Kindergarten
Brownies - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades
Juniors - 4th, 5th, and 6th grades
Cadettes - 7th and 8th grades
Seniors - 9th and 10th grades
Ambassadors - 11th and 12th grades
Official online store here or find your local supplier here.
Another resource is 4-H. There is a national resource website here, or you can use a search engine to find local information. Just type in your county and state (or just state) 4-H, and that should help you find the information you need. At one time, I had found a link to a site that allows you to either order or download the different activity packets. Unfortunately, I can't find it right now, but I'm hoping I saved it somewhere - I just need to look a little harder! If I find it, I'll share it with you.
I am now off to help my parents move. Have a great weekend!
Great idea!