Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekend Wisdom

"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
~H. P. Lovecraft~

1 comment:

  1. Dear Heather,
    I clicked on your blog from the flirty apron swap and I love your blog. I especially love the picture of the tree in the field, and your commitment to supporting local food and farmers. (I've recently committed more firmly to that myself.) I wanted to email you but our Outlook is weird right now and so I can't do it any other way but this way. I wanted to ask you how you linked your email picture on the right side of your blog to make Outlook pop up so that someone can write you an email. I want to put a link like that on my blog but I don't know how. Would you mind, when you have a chance, briefly explaining it to me? My email is artbyhlm at gmail dot com. Thank you!
    - the other Heather participating in the flirty apron swap. :)


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