Friday, January 22, 2010


I've been debating all morning whether or not to write this post. After reading Amanda's post, I realized that I should.

Like most people, I had two grandmas. We lost my dad's mom in 1991, a month before my 12th birthday. I wasn't very close to her, and for years wondered why I had such a hard time dealing with her death. I think it's because I missed my mom's mom, and craved another relationship like I had with her.

Today is January 22, 2010. Today should have been my Grandma Southern's 80th birthday. She fought very hard for a long time. But in March 1988, ovarian cancer took her from us. I miss her. I mourn her. It still upsets me that my younger brother, who was only 3 when we lost her, barely remembers her. It makes me sad that she never got to meet her great-grandchildren. I think they would have been inseparable. To say that she was the most amazingly wonderful grandma ever would be an understatement.

I am thankful for the very short (almost) decade that I spent with her. I am grateful to her for my wonderful mom.

This is one of my favorite pictures of her (and that's my lil' brother). It makes me smile.

Happy Birthday, Grandma. I think I'll bake your chocolate cake today.

*Check back on Monday for Grandma's recipe, and to see what I've been up to this week - I've been busy!*

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post. I lost the only grandmother I knew (my dad's mother passed away when he was in college) almost four years ago, and I miss her terribly. I have some of her old cookbooks, and I just love looking through them.


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