Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 9 - Volunteer

Being a volunteer is not only beneficial to the people/group you are volunteering for, but it's beneficial to your soul.  There's always somebody who needs help, and I think we all want to make a difference.

In elementary school, I was part of a program called "Magic Me". Every Wednesday, after school, we would board a bus and head over to one of the local nursing homes. The first time we went, we were assigned a resident for the year. I found the experience to be one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had.

There are so many organizations out there. There's the Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Tutoring, animal rescue, and so many other ways to volunteer. If you want to find something in your area, check out this site or this one, and start making a difference now!

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