Ah, the memories! As I'm typing this, the boys from Boston are singin' in the rain on the Today Show, and Donnie is still my favorite!
Wednesday, Taylor had an appointment with his cardiologist. I'm happy to report that everything is still looking good. Doc doesn't need to see him again until Taylor is 9. I really like Dr. Danford and his staff, but I'm also glad that we don't have to see them very often!
As much as I love Anne Shirley, I was shocked to realize that I had never seen the 3rd movie. Taylor and I stayed up till 10 last night watching it. We were both thrilled to find out that Gil was okay. My hubby wasn't too thrilled about Taylor liking the movie as much as he did, he thinks I'm turning Taylor into a girl. I suppose if he would agree to try one more time for a baby girl, I wouldn't invite the boys to watch my girlie shows with me!
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