Hello! Bonjour! Guten Tag!
I'm Heather. I am married to Jeremy, and we have 2 ornery little guys - Taylor (Bug) and Landon (Awesome). I was born and raised a Cornhusker, and with the exception of 4 years in Kansas, I have lived "The Good Life" here in Nebraska.
Our family of 4 takes care of 2 dogs - Odin is our Saint Bernard and Gracie is our rescued black lab mix. The boys also have 3 fish between the two of them. Bug has a goldfish (that has gotten HUGE!) and a sucker fish to help keep the tank clean. Last year, Awesome decided he wanted a fish, too, so he picked out a blue and red beta fish.
When I'm not busy with my cooking, cleaning, crafting, and mommy-ing, I like to read, play the piano, and attempt to teach myself how to play the guitar. I also have a habit of taking photos of pretty much everything and everyone. When I'm out and about, I tend to feel naked if I don't have my phone and my camera with me!
For my 32nd Birthday, I put together a post here so my readers could get to know me a little better, and I would love to get to know all of you, so please don't hesitate to comment, email, or even snail-mail me! I love reading your thoughts and opinions, and I do my best to respond as often as possible.
Kind thoughts,