Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vintage Thingies Thursday - Cameras

I love these cameras. I haven't been able to find out any info about the Birdseye, but plan to do a little more research. I found it while we were packing up my grandpa's house.

The Brownie Junior on the left was found while packing up my great-uncle's house (you'll find that most of my antiques and vintage thingies have come from my family) - and it still has film in it! These were made by Kodak from 1934-1942, and I was able to find a manual for the camera here. After I have a chance to read the manual, I plan to use up the rest of the film, get it developed, and see the last pictures my great-grandma took. We have hundreds of photos she took, and she really had a talent for capturing what was going on in that moment. Her photos tend to take you back in time as if you were really there.

I'm off to hunt down some hard to find 620 film, and see if I can find a local vintage camera expert!

Go here to see more Vintage Thingies on Thursday!


  1. What a great camera. I would love to find some film and see how the pics would turn out. Really neat.

  2. Amazing how taking photos has changed,these are wonderful vintage
    cameras. They are already treasures
    because they are from your family!!
    Good luck on you info search!

  3. Wow that will be so much fun to see what pictures your grandma took with that camera that have never been developed! Enjoy those - they're great finds! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Love the old cameras. I'm amazed every time I think about how cameras have changed through the years. Who knew even 20 years ago that you could take wonderful pictures without film.

  5. Fantastic cameras. We found a couple old ones when we cleaned out my grandfather-in-laws house. Aren't they so much prettier than today's fancy digital cameras? Maybe not as convenient, but a lot nicer to look at.

  6. I've been looking at vintage cameras lately too but I'm not sure if the films are hard to come by or not...hmm...

  7. Oh! I can't wait to hear if you get to see the pics your great grandma took! How wonderful! Thanks for jumping in. Look forward to seeing you next week too! :)

    Confessions of an Apron Queen

  8. Those are great. So much history between them and our digitals! Enjoy...

  9. Great find, especially with the film still in it!


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