Friday, August 8, 2008

Weekend Wisdom

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live"
~Author unknown~

This is one of my favorite pictures. These are my great-grandparents (my maternal grandpa's mom & dad). How can you not laugh and smile when you see this? In this picture, they had been married for 37 years. They survived WWI (GGP was in France one month after they were married), the Depression, sending two sons off to WWII, and one to Korea, and they always remained completely in love and made sure there was always something to laugh about.


  1. How sweet is that picture! I love it...and it DID make me smile instintly! Thank you for sharing...we can all only hope our marriages can be full of as much laughter and joy! :)


  2. Love the picture.....they look very happy!

    Have a great weekend....

  3. That is one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen! I love it.


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