Last week was my brother and SIL's 6th anniversary, and they always take some kind of trip to celebrate (it used to be cruises, but since having 3 kids, they're happy with a weekend in Omaha!), so my parents had the kiddos for the weekend. Their oldest is 36 hours and 13 minutes younger than Landon, and she has been wanting to spend the night at our house forever. So, Saturday I brought her home with us to spend the night. We stayed up late watching Anne of Green Gables (I have got to buy those movies - the library is probably sick of me checking them out all the time!), and everyone just crashed in the living room. Sunday morning, Natalie wanted Anne braids in her hair, so I put some in then helped her put some in my hair, too. So, our weekend wasn't too exciting, but it was so much fun for me to have a little girl in the house!
In the past couple of weeks, I have started three more blogs, and I'm happy to say that I've done a pretty good job of keeping up with all!
The first one, Farmgirl Recipes, is a collection of recipes that we found stuffed inside an old coffee tin at the farm. They had belonged to my great-grandma. Some are handwritten, but most were taken out of newspapers and magazines from the 1920's through 1960's. There are a LOT of recipes for preserves which I hope to try out this summer (if/when I get my garden planted)!
The next blog is for my 365 Project. Today is the 13th day of the year, and I've managed to post 13 pictures so far! The one I posted today is of the sunrise out here. I saw the sky when I took Taylor to school, and had to stop back by the house to get my camera and drive to the edge of town to snap this picture.
My third new blog was just started last week. It's my 1000 Cranes Project that I blogged about here. I made my first drop on Saturday, and I would love it if you all would join the boys and me in our little "experiment"! The cranes I drop are made with computer paper so I don't have to worry so much about squishing them in my pocket or purse, but I'm using origami paper for the 1000 we're trying to make for ourselves. Naturally, after I ordered 2 more packages, I found the one I already had but couldn't find!
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