*I have actually added a really cute pleated trim since this picture was taken. I'll get a new picture taken soon. It just adds an extra bit of prettiness!*
This tutorial is for a tree skirt that measures about 36” in diameter. For mine, I decided to use only a single layer of fabric, but I’ll include instructions for a skirt with a top, batting, and underside.
1 1/8 - 2¼ yards fabric, pre-washed
If you want a different fabric for the top and bottom of the skirt, you’ll need about 1 1/8 yards of each fabric.
1 Fat Quarter, pre-washed OR 3½ yards bias tape
Coordinating Thread
Batting (optional)
Ruler & Yard stick
1. Fold your fabric in half, right sides together. Then fold in half again.
2. From the folded corner, measure out 18” along each side, and a few spots between the two sides. Make a mark at each spot.
3. Tie your string to your pencil. Place your pencil on one of your marks, then pull the string to the corner.
Hold the string in the corner while you draw the lines from dot to dot. I found it is easier to make short dashes instead of one long line.
4. Cut along your line through all four layers.
5. We have an artificial tree, so my inner circle is only 1¼” diameter. (If you have a real tree, you will want to make yours larger. Just measure the diameter of your trunk and divide that in half to figure how far from the corner you need to measure for the inner circle.) From the corner, measure out about ¾” and make your marks.
6. Draw your lines to connect the dots.
7. Cut out the inner circle, then unfold your skirt half way.
8. Slip your scissors between the two layers, and cut along one folded edge from the outside to the inner circle.
9. If you want to add any kind of embellishments, appliqués, reverse appliqués, etc to the top of your skirt, now is the time to do it.
If you’re just doing a single layer, skip to #12.
10. This is a quick and easy way to cut the batting (you can also use old towels, mattress pads, etc) and backing fabric. Lay the backing fabric right side down. Layer the batting and top of tree skirt, and pin together.
11. Using the skirt top as your pattern, simply cut around it through the batting and backing fabric.
You can go here to find a tutorial I posted a while back on how to get several yards of bias tape from just one fat quarter.
12. Once you have your bias tape ready, all you have to do is sew it along the rough edges, and you’re done!