I suck at it. I used to be able to fit a 36-hour day into just 24 hours. That was a little over 2 years ago. The turning point? I believe it's when my grandpa got really sick in September of 2005, and I put my life on hold so that I could be with him as much as possible. He'd been living with stomach/colon cancer for a few years, and they decided to put a port in to make the chemotherapy easier. It was supposed to be a quick out-patient surgery. My uncle took Gramps to the hospital before he had to work, and I was to pick him up around 9:30. I was there for an hour without hearing a single word about Gramps. When I finally asked the receptionist, a nurse came out and said they hadn't realized there was somebody waiting for him. He was still in recovery, and it would probably be another hour before he'd be out. I ran a few errands, came back, and the nurse pulled me into a private room saying that the doctor wanted to speak with me. Long story short, we almost lost him that day. I had to call my mom, who lived 4 hours away at the time, to tell her that there was a very good possibility that Grandpa and Grandma would be reunited soon. Hardest phone call I have ever made. He pulled through, but mom and I kind of wish that he had gone that night. From September 9 - November 7, he was only able to be at home for 5 days. He spent the rest of that time in the hospital before being moved to a rest home. On December 11, the rest home had a Holiday dinner for the residents and their families. My parents, uncle, brothers & their families, I & my family, and even one of Gramps' sisters and one of his brothers were able to attend. He passed away then next day with my mom, uncle, and I at his side, listening to Bing Crosby's "White Christmas".
After he went to be with Grandma, we were busy planning his funeral, and trying to keep the holidays as normal as possible for my boys. Then, I had a family reunion to plan which involved putting together a family cookbook and a video montage along with everything else there is to do for a family reunion. There was always something to plan, I even became CubMaster for Taylor's Cub Scout Pack. I've been in kind of a funk these past couple of weeks, and I'm not sure why. I've got a million projects written down or in my head that I want to get done, but I've just been lazy. I'll have to come up with a schedule for me this weekend that includes some much needed exercise. I've let me goal of losing 30 pounds before my 30th birthday slip (unless it can be done in a healthy way by May 10th!), so I really need to work on losing at least some. I suppose that means coming up with a diet and exercise plan, too!
Now that I've procrastintated for a couple of hours, let's see if I can actually keep myself motivated for the rest of the day!