"Laugh a lot, and when you're older, all your wrinkles will be in the right places"
This picture was found in a drawer full of photos at the family farm. The larger lady in the middle makes me smile. They were trying to take a family picture (my grandma is the second lady from the right, and my great-grandma took this picture), but one of the kids started running crazy. I love that while everybody else is looking around concerned about getting this picture taken, or trying to get control of the child, this one lady is just laughing and enjoying it all!
Hope you all have a fun-filled Labor Day weekend! We're going to be spending a lot of time with my family. Jeremy and my father-in-law will be tearing into our bathroom (our floor desperately needs replaced) tomorrow, so the boys and I will be staying with my parents till it's done. My "little" brother is coming up from Kansas City tomorrow for a family reunion on Sunday. We don't get to see him very often, so it's always a treat! My older brother and his family will be staying at mom & dad's on Sunday night on their way back home from Omaha. Should be lots of fun!