I signed up for a couple of swaps in August, and I'm now happy to say that I have sent and received both!

The first one is Shawnee's
Flirty Apron Swap. This time the theme was What I
Wish I Did Over Summer Vacation. One vacation that I have been wanting to take for years, is a nice drive down Route 66. My partner,
Jennifer, did a fabulous job on my apron. When she posted a sneak peak of her fabric, I had my fingers crossed, and was hoping that she got my name (this swap was anonymous)! You can only imagine how happy I was, smiling from ear to ear when I opened my package. The third picture above is of the apron I made for my secret partner. She hasn't received it, yet, so I don't want to say too much, but I hope she likes it! I used
McCall's pattern 3979, and plan on making one for myself, too!

The second swap was a reusable grocery bag swap on
Mary Jane's Farm. I recieved my bag from
Marsha last week. She used beautiful vintage fabrics and a vintage hankie. The bag I made was out of some fabric that I've had for a few years. It's very sturdy, and I used one of those black grocery bags from Wal-Mart as a template.

Yesterday afternoon, the Hastings Symphony Orchestra held a concert in the Chataqua Pavillion at Chataqua Park. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather. We sat at a picnic table at the back and laid out a blanket for the boys to hang out on with some quiet toys. In the second half of the concert, they had the kids come up and help conduct the orchestra. Landon was a little too scared, but Taylor went up (he had broken his flip flop - making it completely unwearable - about 30 seconds before it was his turn, so he went barefoot...I was so embarrassed!). He loved it! Everybody laughed because the first thing he did when he got the baton was wave really big to my uncle (1st chair clarinet)! This concert's theme was Sousa Spectacular, and it was the perfect close to the summer. It was one of those concerts that left everybody feeling happy, without a care in the world.
I did get teary-eyed (like I always do) when they played an Armed Forces Salute. They asked audience members to stand during their song if they were in the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines, or Coast Guard. I always get choked up when I see these men and women stand up, accepting the applause and appreciation they deserve. I start thinking about what they saw, what they lost, and it makes me just want to give a big hug to each and every one of them.
Hi Heather - I received my Alaska Apron & love it! Thank you so much! A broken hand - you really went above and beyond the call of duty! Thanks again, Beth