As I'm standing in line behind 2 people with massive purchases, these two college girls get in line behind me and my overflowing cart. I usually dread these situations because they almost always lead to me wanting to shove and entire case of Q-tips in my ears so I can't hear the "valley girl" whining that I usually hear. But, these girls were normal. They were chit-chatting about tests and classes, and seemed to be fully aware that they did not know everything. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Then it happened. This is what I hear:
Girl A: So did you and your mom get her closets all organized?
Girl B: Yeah, and you'll never believe what I found! A great pair of vintage jeans and a sweater! Mom said they were from the 80's. I'm going to wear them when we go out tonight.
Did you catch that? Vintage. From the 80's!
I think it's time someone does a PSA explaining the difference between Vintage and Retro. Although vintage is supposed to be anything over 40 years old, I still consider anything pre-1950's to be vintage, and anything from the 1950's & 1960's to be retro. For the most part, the 1970's through the early 90's were painful mistakes, with very few exceptions, not retro.
What do you think?

Here's my brother and I in 1982 or '83 modeling the sombreros our grandparents brought back from their trip to Mexico. Notice my totally rad overalls with the way cool rainbow stitching.
I truly hope the 80's never make a comeback...