I was tagged last week by Kindra, and am just now getting around to posting it! So here's me from A-Z.
A. Attached or single? Very attached.
B. Best friend? Definitely my mom.
C. Cake or pie? Chocolate Pie
D. Day of choice? Saturday.
E. Essential item? Camera (and plenty of memory cards and batteries!)
F. Favorite color? Reds, greens, and yellows
G. Gummy bears or worms? Neither! I’m not a gummy fan.
H. Home town? Hastings, NE
I. Favorite indulgence? Buying fabric and adding to my collections of aprons, vintage table clothes, wooden spoons, cookbooks, thimbles, and nutcrackers
J. January or July? Hmmm…I think I’m going to go with July for now.
K. Kids? 2 little boys –Taylor is 7 and Landon is 4
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family
M. Marriage date? June 19, 2004
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 2 brothers – Shawn is 3 years older and Kelsey is 6 years younger
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples
P. Phobias? I won’t go outside by myself when it’s dark – especially in the country. Although I’m not really scared, I absolutely HATE grasshoppers and June bugs.
Q. Quote? I have so many quotes that I like, and I’m not sure I could honestly pick just one – it depends on the mood I’m in. One that I read recently is this: Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
R. Reasons to smile? Life.
S. Season of choice? I’m not sure I can pick just one. Winter has sledding, snowball fights, snow angels and Christmas. Spring has soccer, garden planting my birthday and Easter. Summer has baseball, flowers, swimming, and the 4th of July. Fall has those nice crisp evenings, beautifully turning leaves (which fall so we get to jump in to big piles of ‘em!), and Halloween.
T. Tag 5 people:
Irma’s Rose Cottage
My Country Home
Photography by Stephanie
Beads and Botanicals
Raspberry June
U. Unknown fact about me? People are always shocked to find out I have tattoos (a heart on my left ankle, a daisy on my left hip, a butterfly on my left shoulder blade, and a dolphin on my back just above my right hip – I was young and bored!) People always laugh at me once they find out that I have to eat in even amounts so I can chew the same amount on each side of my mouth. For example, I have to have 8 M&M’s so I chew 4 on my left side and 4 on my right. My last quirk that I’ll tell you about is how I pick out shoes – if I can’t comfortably cross my toes in a pair of shoes, I won’t buy them.
V. Vegetable? Sweet corn, cauliflower
W. Worst habit? Allowing myself to be easily distracted.
X. Xray or ultrasound? Definitely an ultrasound. They are truly remarkable. Once I saw the boys, I knew they were real, and it was the most amazing feeling. Recently, Taylor had an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart), and I was in awe. It’s hard to describe how I felt watching it – terrified, relieved, amazed.
Y. Your favorite food? Meatloaf, but not just any meatloaf. It has to be my grandma’s recipe.
Z. Zodiac sign? Taurus
Marry Me Chicken Pasta
19 hours ago
Did you graduate from Hastings High? You probably know my ex-boyfriend. :(
ReplyDeleteIt was great learning more about you. Fun to know you have a heart on your left ankle too. :)
I forgot to add grasshoppers on my phobia list. Absolutely hate them!
And I loved your quote!! Made me smile!
Who's your ex? My dad was transferred to KS in 1992, but my mom and brothers didn't move there till June 1993 (my older brother graduated from HHS in 93, and I was only there my freshman year), so there's a decent chance I might know him! I moved back to Hastings in October 1997. You have me curious, so you at least have to give me a hint!
ReplyDeleteOkay if I tell you, you can't laugh or give me any horror stories. I was with him for 4 years right out of high school. (I found out a lot of girls were "with him" during that time. I could probably name a few and you would know them-they would be around our age. He moved to Hebron his senior year but he lived in Hastings all his life. We both graduated in 1996. Dave Kendall-I'm sure pretty much of 1/2 of Adams county girls have been with him...
ReplyDeleteIt's me again. Just want to apologize for being so blunt at the last comment. I went through a lot with him was very hurt...so sorry if he's a friend of yours or related. It's a small world, you never know.
ReplyDeleteI remember him! I was never really friends with him, but we got along okay as aquaintances. He was a nice kid in junior high, but people change. Looking back, I'm glad that I was only at HHS for 1 year - most of the people I hung out with changed for the worse by the time we all graduated (I'm a '96 graduate, too!), and it's actually a comfort to know that I wasn't around to possibly change with them!