1. My Husband and the two little men we share. I am so lucky to have them all in my life.
2. Hometown stores. In this world of Wal-Marts, Targets, and Barnes & Nobles, it gives me a certain feeling of satisfaction when I shop locally owned stores.
3. Hoppy Taws. Hopscotch was always one of my favorite things to do when I was little, and I just love to say "Hoppy Taw". Just makes me smile every time!
4. Homemade/Handmade things. Isn't it such a wonderful feeling to receive or buy something that was handmade? Thinking of the loving, caring hands that created something gives me warm fuzzies!
5. Hydrangeas. Looking at these flowers just make me smile, and (other than simple white daisies) are my favorite flower.
6. History. I knew a long time ago how important history is. If we had cable, you'd probably be able to find me sitting in front of the TV watching the history channel a LOT! History Detectives is one of my favorite shows. I feel that history is important for so many reasons...to understand why some things are the way they are...so we can (hopefully) avoid making the same horrifying mistakes again...and to remember the people. One of my favorite things to do is to visit the elderly and listen to their stories. It's easy to get them talking. Just looking at a photo or hearing a word or phrase can bring back a flood of memories for them. And, I have found that they enjoy talking about the past (even the painful memories), and they appreciate when younger generations show an honest interest. Nobody wants to be forgotten, and I feel that we owe it to our ancestors to do learn as much we can about them.
7. Home. I have a couple of homes. The house I live in with Jeremy and the boys (and the dogs and fish!) is obviously my home. But, there is one place that has always felt like home, even though it has never been my address. The family farm up by Chadron has always felt like home. It could be because of all the family history there, or because I feel closer to grandma when I'm there, or because most of my happiest childhood memories happened when we were visiting there.
8. Hobbies. I love all of my hobbies - I just wish I had more time for each one!
9. Huskers. What kind of Nebraskan would I be if I didn't include the Huskers?!
10. Happiness.
If you would like to play, just leave a comment, and I'll be happy to give you a letter!
I had hoped to show you several projects this week, but I've barely been home! I've been helping my parents move (we're still trying to figure out where all their stuff has come from - it seems to multiply by the minute!), so I'll be spending today trying to get caught up on stuff around here. Tomorrow is my usual go-to-town day, and Saturday we might be headed to Lincoln for the day. With any luck, I'll be able to show you a few things I've been working on next week.