Now on to the books I've added to my library...
The first one, I heard about on Amy Karol's blog. I love this little book (that can be found here), and am so thrilled to have it in my possession. It's cute and informative! The whole book is handwritten with cute illustrations that covers ailments, gardening, and cleaning, and just about everything in between! It's only $5, but worth so much more.
This next book has been on my wish list for months, and I finally bought it a few weeks ago. Alabama Stitch Book. If you have ever wondered what to do with your old t-shirts, this book will help you turn them into some of the most amazing artwork you'll ever wear! Just look at the blog, or take some time to browse the flickr group. I dare you not to be inspired.
Next up is Betz White's Sewing Green. After looking through this book, you'll be going to your closet, fabric stash, or store searching for something, anything, that you can use to make the projects in the book. Of course, there is also a flickr group for this book that offers plenty of eye candy.
Last, but not least, is Amanda Soule's (aka SouleMama) lastest book, Handmade Home. Amanda's books are so much more than just craft books. They offer a way to reconnect with your kids, and yourself. If you love her blog, or have her first book, you'll love Handmade Home. If you'd like a signed copy, just go to her blog (linked above or on my sidebar). In the meantime, check out the flickr group here.
Amanda's first book, The Creative Family, can be found here. Signed copies are available from her site.
Next on my crafty book list are this and this! I mentioned Amy Karol above, and I recommend her first book, Bend-the-Rules Sewing. I bought it a little over a year ago and absolutely love it! The second book on my wish list is by the very talented Meg McElwee from Sew Liberated. I have a couple of her patterns and love the tutorials on her blog, so I'm dying to see what's in her book!
That fire is so sad. It's been all over the news in Lincoln. :( My dad's family members were in a fire and it really hits home for us. My thoughts and prayers are for this poor family.