Things Other People Love That I Just Don't Get
1. Navigation systems
2. Lady Gaga & Adam Lambert
3. The Office
4. Oprah
5. Half of the things on Etsy. Don't get me wrong, I love Etsy, but some of the things that get showcased or put into treasuries that end up in my inbox just make me scratch my head.
6. Racoon Eyes. Not racoon's eyes, but racoon eyes on women. You know what I'm talking about. That heavy black liner all the way around the eyes that actually adds 10-20 years to a woman's face.
7. Escargot, Caviar and Sushi. Just thinking about escargot makes my stomach churn, and I have never understood what could possibly be so delicous about fish eggs and raw fish.
8. Ripped jeans. If someone wants to pay $100 for a pair of ripped jeans, I'd be happy to sell them mine.
9. Sinks that look like bowls.
10. Stainless steel appliances. They look nice, but the first thing that pops into my mind is fingerprints. Lots and lots of fingerprints that I'll spend endless hours on trying to clean them off.
11. Super modern home furnishings. I like clean lines, but some are just too sharp.
12. Over-edited photography. Sure it looks cool, but shouldn't it be considered more digital art than photography? Let's face it, by the time some people get done Photoshopping, the end product looks nothing like the original photograph.
13. American Idol
14. Puppy purses
15. Beer
16. Kristen Stewart in any movie and Robert Pattinson in the Twilight movies. Robert is pretty good in his non-Twilight movies, but Kristen is a horrible actress in everything she does (that I've seen, anyway).
17. Low-rise jeans. It makes sense for those of us with a shorter torso to wear them, because they come up to our belly buttons. For those with a longer torso, it appears that these jeans can be a little to revealing.
18. Home Depot. I'm sure there are some pretty awesome HD's out there, but the one that's closest to us kinda sucks.
19. HDTV & Blu Ray
20. Gummy worms